FUJIFILM cessa la produzione di FP-3000B

Ciao… Triste notizia per gli appassionati come me delle pellicole istantanee Fuji… a quanto pare c’è l’intenzione oramai ufficiale di sospendere la produzione delle FP-3000B; come saprete l’azienda produce le pellicole per il grande formato, il 4″x5″ nei seguenti formati: Fuji FP-100C a colori, ISO 100, e FP-3000B, B/W, ISO 3000.
A detta dell’azienda questo sarebbe dovuto ad un calo della richiesta e quindi non più conveniente da produrre… mi auguro che almeno la 100 continui a essere sul mercato.
Questo il link della notizia, e la mail della Fuji al blogger Chris.


Dear Chris,
Thank you for contacting FUJIFILM North America Corporation. Please allow us to assist you.
Please be advised that FP-3000B is being discontinued, as a result of decreases in world-wide global demand. We know that the discontinuation of a well-loved and long established product can be difficult to adjust to. We appreciate your interest in this product, and will be reporting your comments.
FP-100C 3.25×4.25 is currently in production and available at retail.
We sincerely hope this information has been beneficial to you. If you should have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us in the future. It would be our pleasure to assist you again.
Thank you for your interest in FUJIFILM products and services.
Authorized Customer Care Representative
Customer Care, Imaging Division
FUJIFILM North America Corporation
Email: contactfuji@fujifilm.com

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